Everything you need to know about Arabica Coffee

If you love to drink a cup of Arabian coffee in the morning, then what you’re enjoying is Arabica Coffee.

Coffee plants are classified under the genus Coffea, which is an evergreen shrub that grows in numerous places around the world. It was initially cultivated in the Ethiopian highlands, so it typically grows better at higher altitudes where there are few hot, humid swings throughout the year.

Despite the popularity of other coffee products, Arabica coffee represents 59% of this commodity for the typical year.


When the shrubs begin to grow in the wild, they may reach an eventual height of 40 feet. They offer an open-branching system, where the leaves tend to be oblong, opposite, and colored as a glossy, deep green hue.

The flowers of the shrub ten to form in clusters and are quite small, often just 10 millimeters in diameter. Unlike other members of the genus, the Arabica shrubs are self-pollinating. That means you have fewer differences in the bean size from the fruits grown each year, which is why Arabian coffee is one of the most consistent products of its type.

The beans produced by the Arabica are a little larger than other varieties as well, so from a production standpoint, you’re going to have more coffee grounds to use for your morning cup from a crop.

Although it was endemic to Ethiopia, finding this coffee shrub there is now a rare occurrence. Most local coffees tend to be a variety of mixed, hybrid trees. There have been some shrubs located in Kenya, but it is now regularly grown in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.

Each Arabica Coffee plant requires about seven years to become fully mature. For best results, it likes to grow in places that receive about 60 inches of rain each year.


When you’re making a cup of coffee in the morning, what you’re creating is a beverage that was made from the seed of the Arabica coffee plant. The seed is located within a small, red fruit that is often referred to as a “cherry.” That means this coffee can be classified as a drupe.

The seeds are elongated, flat, and have that classic groove down the middle.

Each fruit contains two coffee beans, which are protected by a membrane that is referred to as the “parchment.” There is a layer of pulp from the fruit too, which is surprisingly sweet.

What is unique about Arabica coffee is that it is the only plant of its genus to contain 44 chromosomes. Because of its preference for higher altitudes and tropical regions, the plant flowers when the rainy season comes around. The flowers are beautiful, fragrant, and white, creating a stunning scene when an entire grove is in bloom.

The fruit of the plant arrives about nine months after the flowering process. That is when the harvesting process begins. Because each plant may offer ripened and unripened fruit simultaneously, a precision harvest is required.

Once the coffee is harvested, the beans are then processed and sent for roasting. Based on how you prefer that process (light, dark, etc.), you are presented with a lovely cup of wake-up juice for your morning routine.


The reason why a majority of the world’s coffee is Arabian is due to the overall consistency that these beans provide. When you have a well-prepared homebrew or a favorite espresso at home, you’ll find that Arabica coffee offers a sweet fragrance, a slightly acidic profile, and there’s a kick of caramel and chocolate at the end.

Bitterness is rarely an issue with this coffee, even if you prefer the “strong brew” setting on your coffee pot. You should see a light layer of reddish-brown froth with an espresso, while the brewed coffee should offer darkness that speaks of an inviting flavor.

The caffeine content of Arabian coffee is somewhat mild compared to other varieties. At its peak, each bean contains less than 2% per volume.

That means you’ll enjoy a nice wakeup call with your cup of coffee in the morning without the jittery buzz. It provides a smooth flavor, a consistent profile, and just enough acidity to make your mouth feel excited about the day.

The coffee speaks for itself. As for the rest of the experience, that is up to you. Purchase Arabica Coffee from Blackout Coffee Company who has a consistent roasting process to ensure your morning routine always gets the boost it requires.